Zero Tolerance Policy


Please read and submit participant information.

Because of the physical and verbal abuse taking place at youth sporting events across the country, many organizations have chosen to adopt a Zero Tolerance Policy towards abusive behavior. The Exeter Parks & Recreation Department has decided to take a proactive approach and adopt the following measures:

It is the responsibility of ALL coaches, players, parents, relatives, siblings, and other spectators to maintain the highest standards of conduct for their behavior at all EPRD sporting events including, but not limited to, practices, games, and tournaments. Abusive and obscene language, violent play, violent conduct, fighting, and other behaviors detrimental to the sporting event will not be tolerated.

It is the responsibility of ALL present to support the presiding official of that particular sport, i.e.: referees, umpires, officials, etc. There will be absolutely NO YELLING OR BELITTLING of these presiding officials. In addition, there will be no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, or intimidation of any kind towards the presiding officials. Failure to follow these simple instructions will undermine the official’s authority and has the potential to lead to a hostile environment for players, officials, and all other participants and spectators.

It is the understanding of any parent that chooses to have their child participate in Exeter Parks and Recreation Department events that these simple guidelines MUST BE FOLLOWED.