Be the change you wish to see in the world

As a municipality, we are only part of the picture. That is why, first and foremost we believe that sustainability starts with actions we personally take in our own lives.  

Here are 6 easy ways you can
contribute to Exeter's sustainability. 


  1. Follow the FIVE "R"s: In order of priority: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Rot and Recycle. REFUSE non-reusable products such as plastics in packaging or bags. REDUCE your purchases being mindful of what are your actual needs. REUSE by upcycling old items or look for gently used items. ROT food scraps by composting at home or through a local organization. RECYCLE following our community's requirements to minimize contamination.  
  2. Choose green travel. Walk, bike or use public transportation as much as possible.  Limit air travel.  
  3. Conserve water. Track your usage and look for ways to conserve. Low flow toilets, shorter showers, and using rain barrels are easy steps to take.
  4. Eat seasonally and locally and support businesses who do as well.
  5. Switch to sustainable, clean energy.  Guidance from NH Public Utilities Commission.
  6. Get involved! In support of our master plan recommendations, Exeter's town boards incorporate sustainability in their annual goals and priorities. Fill out a volunteer application today. 

Already on board with these steps? Create your own personal list by calculating your household's    carbon footprint.