Think Blue: Homeowners

Water Friendly House


The Role We Play

Our every day actions play a major role in the quality of water entering our streams.

When a small group of Exeter residents were polled, more than a quarter of them believed the majority of water from rain or snowmelt on their property soaks into the ground. In fact, it is estimated that between 40-70 % of the rain that falls on the average lot runs off! This stormwater runoff leaves your property, taking with it chemicals, dirt and debris and in most cases enters our streams and rivers untreated through the storm drain system.

Simple Changes, Drastic Results

Your everyday choices on how you manage your property can have a drastic effect on the quality of our streams and rivers. So what can you do? You can THINK BLUE!

Here are some small changes you can make today:

  • Direct roof gutter downspouts onto vegetated areas or into a rain barrel for reuse later
  • Plant a raingarden
  • Direct water off your driveway and onto vegetated area
  • If you plan to make changes to your property remember, the best way to prevent stormwater pollution is to reduce the amount of water that leaves your property. This can be accomplished by reducing the amount of area on your property that is "impervious" or impenetrable to water, or by slowing the speed that water flows across your property, OR even better- BOTH!!

You can also follow the links below: