Think Blue: Kids Page

Watershed image

Did you know that you live in a watershed? Yes, that's right. We all live in a watershed. What's a watershed? It's a fancy word describing an area of land that drains or 'sheds' its water to a river or lake from higher to lower elevations. Most of Exeter lies within the Salmon Falls - Piscataqua River larger drainage basin. In Exeter this includes the Piscassic, Exeter, and Squamscott watersheds. A portion of the southeastern corner of town falls within the Coastal drainage basin. This includes the Taylor River - Hampton River subwatershed. 

Take this concept and apply it locally. The area you are in is part of a watershed and the water is flowing somewhere. Every raindrop from a storm falls into a watershed. Where does the stormwater from your yard go? It flows to the nearest lake, river or stream, and eventually to the ocean. How about the stormwater from your school, where does it go? Is it in the same watershed as your yard?

What watershed do you live in?  Click HERE to find out!

Click HERE to visit the EPA's page for fun games!

Click HERE for some great stormwater games and activities!